How to Order Your Fire Pit
Before selecting your side panel designs, start by adding a Base Design Fire Pit to your cart.
The Base Design Fire Pit is the fire pit itself, without any side designs.
⚠ Important: Side panel designs are universal and will be sized to match whichever fire pit style you choose. The images in the design listings may show a different fire pit style—don’t worry! Your selected side designs will be cut to fit the fire pit in your cart.
Step 2: Choose Your Side Panel Designs
Now it’s time to customize your fire pit and make it your own!
✔ Pick Your Designs – Choose up to 4 side panel designs. ✔ Adjust Quantity if Needed – If you want the same design on multiple sides, update the quantity before adding it to your cart. (Example: If you want a crab design on 2 sides, set the quantity to 2.) ✔ Add Each Design to Your Cart – Each panel is selected separately.
Once you've added everything to your cart, you're ready to check out and bring your custom fire pit to life! 🔥