Yellow Candy


Yellow Candy

A Radiant and Translucent Candy Finish

Yellow Candy is a luminous and translucent finish that brings a radiant glow to your metal art. This candy color offers a vibrant, sunlit appearance, enhancing the natural texture of the metal beneath.

The translucent quality of Yellow Candy allows the underlying metal's polish marks to show through, adding depth and a unique character to each piece. Depending on the lighting, this finish can shift in intensity, giving your metal art a dynamic and eye-catching appeal.


Yellow Candy

A Radiant and Translucent Candy Finish

Yellow Candy is a luminous and translucent finish that brings a radiant glow to your metal art. This candy color offers a vibrant, sunlit appearance, enhancing the natural texture of the metal beneath.

The translucent quality of Yellow Candy allows the underlying metal's polish marks to show through, adding depth and a unique character to each piece. Depending on the lighting, this finish can shift in intensity, giving your metal art a dynamic and eye-catching appeal.

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